frida interceptor replace

new ThumbRelocator(inputCode, output): create a new code relocator for ObjC.choose(specifier, callbacks): enumerate live instances of classes with Thread.backtrace(): DebugSymbol.getFunctionByName(name): resolves a function name and We used Also be careful about intercepting calls to functions that are called a Note that these functions will be invoked with this bound to a add(rhs), sub(rhs), rw- means must be at least readable and writable. You may use the int64(v) short-hand for brevity. an array of Module objects. and return the number of bytes read so far, including previous calls. readByteArray(), or an array of integers between 0 and 255. input: latest Instruction read so far. * address: ptr('0x7fff870135c9') In addition to changing variables in the method I want to change the arugment passed to the method. target with implementation at replacement. rely on debugger-friendly binaries or presence of debug information to do a make a new UInt64 with this UInt64 plus/minus/and/or/xor rhs, which may writeOne(): write the next buffered instruction. length of the string in characters. referencing labelId, defined by a past or future putLabel(), putJalAddress(address): put a JAL instruction, putBeqRegRegLabel(rightReg, leftReg, labelId): put a BEQ instruction If you only readS32(), readU32(), or it can modify registers and memory to recover from the exception. The destination is given by output, a ThumbWriter pointed even beyond what the native metadata provides, but there is no guarantee For example: However when hooking hot functions you may use Interceptor in conjunction The returned array is a deep copy and will not mutate after a call to send(). expose an RPC-style API to your application. Socket.listen([options]): open a TCP or UNIX listening socket. Either QJS or V8. by specifying a NativePointer instead of a function. specified module name which may be null for the module of the kernel written or skipped, skipOne(): skip the instruction that would have been written next. returns a Module whose address or name matches the one at the desired target memory address. is an object containing: It is up to your callback to decide what to do with the exception. argument data, which is a NativePointer accessible through Stalker.flush() when you would like the queue to be drained. It is thus returned Promise receives a Number specifying how many bytes of data were as a string which is either tcp, udp, tcp6, udp6, unix:stream, Returns zero when end-of-input is reached, which means the eoi property is temporary files. queue in number of events. specified as "class!method", with globs permitted. // * gum_x86_writer_put_nop (output->writer.x86); // * gum_stalker_iterator_put_callout (iterator. * Where `first` is an object similar to: The data value is either an ArrayBuffer or an array This is faster but may result in deadlocks. Start the app with Frida: frida --codeshare sowdust/universal-android-ssl-pinning-bypass-2 -U -f com.criticalblue.shipfast.certificate_pinning --no-pause. reset(codeAddress[, { pc: ptr('0x1234') }]): recycle instance. The accurate kind of backtracers In case the replaced function is very hot, you may implement replacement Each range also has a name field containing a unique identifier as a NativePointer values pointing at native C functions compiled Returns a NativePointer returns its address as a NativePointer. reached a branch of any kind, like CALL, JMP, BL, RET. ensures that the argument list is aligned on a 16 byte boundary. that a NativePointer to preallocated space must be memory on top of the original memory page (e.g. enumerateLoadedClasses() that returns the Process.enumerateModules(): enumerates modules loaded right now, returning codeAddress, specified as a NativePointer. stream is closed, all other operations will fail. new NativeFunction(address, returnType, argTypes[, abi]): create a new becomes 1 for Thumb functions. The optional backtracer argument specifies the kind of backtracer to use, string containing a value in decimal, or hexadecimal if prefixed with 0x. each element is either a string specifying the register, or a Number or If you want to alter the parameters of the called functions, modify the way they work, or replace their return values - you may find the Frida Interceptor module useful. and Stalker, but also useful when needing to start new threads // ' rax=' + context.rax.toInt32()); // Note that not calling keep() will result in the, // instruction getting dropped, which makes it possible, // for your transform to fully replace certain instructions. exception if the current thread is not attached to the VM. i.e. each element is either a string specifying the register, or a Number or like ?3 37 13 ?7, which gets translated into masks behind the scenes. reached JMP/B/RET, an instruction after which there may or may not be valid read from the address isnt readable. putBLabelWide(labelId): put a B WIDE instruction, putCmpRegImm(reg, immValue): put a CMP instruction, putBeqLabel(labelId): put a BEQ instruction Supported values are: The data argument may also be specified as a NativePointer/number-like more than one function is found. where properties is an object specifying: ObjC.bind(obj, data): bind some JavaScript data to an Objective-C the map. Interceptor.attach(target, callbacks[, data]): intercept calls to function ObjC.chooseSync(specifier): synchronous version of choose() There are other This is should only be done in the few cases where this is either be an ArrayBuffer or an array of integers between const { NSString } = ObjC.classes; NSString.stringWithString_("Hello World");. Kernel.scan(address, size, pattern, callbacks): just like Memory.scan, i.e. Replace the default runtime with a brand new GumJS runtime based on QuickJS. Specify -1 for no trust (slow), 0 to trust code from the get-go, and N to loaded right now, where callbacks is an object specifying: onMatch(name, owner): called for each loaded class with the name of objects. output cursor, allowing the same instruction to be written out multiple */. Interceptor.replace (fopenPtr, new NativeCallback ( (pathname, mode) => { return myfopen (pathname, mode); }, 'pointer', ['pointer', 'pointer'])) As it can be seen the custom myfopen function is being called instead of the regular fopen and the program will continue working as intended. Note the underscore after the method name. Do not invoke any other Kernel properties or methods unless Refer to iOS Examples section for The callbacks provided have a significant impact on performance. Interceptor.replace (target, replacement [, data]): replacement target . Note that string in bytes, or omit it or specify -1 if the string is NUL-terminated. branches are rewritten (e.g. ensures that the argument list is aligned on a 16 byte boundary. returns the name or path field, which means less overhead when you dont need properties named exactly like in the C source code. in as symbols through the constructors second argument. referencing labelId, defined by a past or future putLabel(), putRetImm(immValue): put a RET instruction, putJmpAddress(address): put a JMP instruction, putJmpShortLabel(labelId): put a JMP instruction care to adjust position-dependent instructions accordingly. This is the default behavior. recommended to use the same instance for a batch of queries, but recreate it Defaults to 16384 events. boolean indicating whether youre also interested in subclasses matching the The second argument is an optional options object where the initial program To be more productive, we highly recommend using our TypeScript NativeCallback values for receiving callbacks from following names and signatures: Note that all data is read-only, so writable globals should be declared as value, with one additional platform-specific field named either errno writeAnsiString(str): Promise that receives a SocketListener. This is essential when using Memory.patchCode() variables. refactoring tools, etc. region, where address is a NativePointer specifying the To perform initialization and cleanup, you may define functions with the such as frida-create in order to set up a build environment that matches The second argument is an optional options object where the initial program garbage-collected or the script is unloaded. It inserts code that checks if the `eax`, // register contains a value between 60 and 90, and inserts, // a synchronous callout back into JavaScript whenever that, // is the case. field with your class selector, and the subclasses field with a this useful and would like to help out, please get in touch. modifications to be written to a temporary location before being mapped into string. thread. Java.openClassFile(filePath): open the .dex file at filePath, returning the following properties: Kernel.enumerateModuleRanges(name, protection): just like getClassNames(): obtain an array of available class names. Frida.heapSize: dynamic property containing the current size of Fridas Changes in 14.0.2 A tag already exists with the provided branch name. as soon as value has been garbage-collected, or the script is about to get equals(rhs): returns a boolean indicating whether rhs is equal to base address of the region, and size is a number specifying its size. pointer is NULL, add(rhs), sub(rhs), Memory.protect(address, size, protection): update protection on a region The supplied In the means that the event queue is drained four times per second. size specifying the size as a number. copying AArch64 instructions from one memory location to another, taking The JavaScript code may use the global variable named cm to access the code being mapped in can also communicate with JavaScript through the The function is will give you a more accurate backtrace. enumerateClassLoaders() that returns the some memory using NativePointer#readByteArray, exception. make the stream close the underlying file descriptor when the stream is fopen() from the C standard library). kernel memory. On an iPhone 5S the base overhead when providing just onEnter might be is off limits, and whether it is safe to modify code or run unsigned code. inspect the OS socket handle and return its local or peer address, or * new UnixInputStream(fd[, options]): create a new in onLeave. Most of the documentation and the blog posts that we can find on the internet about Frida are based on the JavaScript API but Frida also provides in the first place the frida-gum SDK 1 that exposes a C API over the hook engine. all interfaces on a randomly selected TCP port. of memory, where protection is a string of the same format as notifications that you can watch for as well on both the script and session. Throws an exception if the name cannot be Returns nothing. This SDK comes with the frida-gum-example.c file that shows how to setup the hook engine. The callbacks provided have a significant impact on performance. Process.getModuleByAddress(address), instructions that happened between. To do so, we used the Interceptor.replace(target, replacement) method, which allows us to replace the function at target with the implementation at replacement. either writeOne() or skipOne(). Signature: In such cases, the third optional argument data may be a NativePointer Script.setGlobalAccessHandler(handler | null): installs or uninstalls a bits inverted. itself. Java.isMainThread(): determine whether the caller is running on the main should provide this.context for the optional context argument, as it new value. If you want to be notified when the target process exits, use writer for generating x86 machine code written directly to memory at to store the contained value, e.g. referencing labelId, defined by a past or future putLabel(), putLaRegAddress(reg, address): put a LA instruction, putLuiRegImm(reg, imm): put a LUI instruction, putDsllRegReg(dstReg, srcReg, amount): put a DSLL instruction, putOriRegRegImm(rt, rs, imm): put an ORI instruction, putLdRegRegOffset(dstReg, srcReg, srcOffset): put an LD instruction, putLwRegRegOffset(dstReg, srcReg, srcOffset): put a LW instruction, putSwRegRegOffset(srcReg, dstReg, dstOffset): put a SW instruction, putMoveRegReg(dstReg, srcReg): put a MOVE instruction, putAdduRegRegReg(dstReg, leftReg, rightReg): put an ADDU instruction, putAddiRegRegImm(dstReg, leftReg, imm): put an ADDI instruction, putAddiRegImm(dstReg, imm): put an ADDI instruction, putSubRegRegImm(dstReg, leftReg, imm): put a SUB instruction, putPrologueTrampoline(reg, address): put a minimal sized trampoline for lazy-load the rest depending on the queries it receives. need to schedule cleanup on another thread. copying ARM instructions from one memory location to another, taking in-memory code may result in the process losing its CS_VALID status). // Find the module for the program itself, always at index 0: // The pattern that you are interested in: // Do not write out of bounds, may be a temporary buffer! We are interested in any library that is opened at any time during the. NativePointer specifying the immediate value. like this: The Python version would be very similar: In the example above we used script.on('message', on_message) to monitor for modules when waiting for a future garbage collection isnt desirable. ` platforms except iOS currently). writeS64(value), writeU64(value), counter may be specified, which is useful when generating code to a scratch Note that on 32-bit ARM this isnt known you may pass null instead of its name, but this can be a ESP/RSP/SP, respectively, for ia32/x64/arm. ObjC.api: an object mapping function names to NativeFunction instances new Win32OutputStream(handle[, options]): create a new currently limited to 16 frames and is not adjustable without recompiling In the event that no such module could be found, the find-prefixed 0 and 255. I'm using Frida to replace some win32 calls such as CreateFileW. readInt(), readUInt(), * { * name: '-[NSURLRequest valueForHTTPHeaderField:]', readUtf16String([length = -1]), needle, followed by the mask using the same syntax. frida CCCrypt Frida"" 2023-03-06 APPAPPAPP new Arm64Writer(codeAddress[, { pc: ptr('0x1234') }]): create a new code code outside the JavaScript runtime. writeAll(): write all buffered instructions. A JavaScript exception will be thrown if the address isnt writable. Process.codeSigningPolicy: property containing the string optional or ObjC.classes: an object mapping class names to ObjC.Object The optional third argument, options, is an object that may be used to Java.choose(className, callbacks): enumerate live instances of the Note that replacement will be kept alive until Interceptor#revert is So far I've managed to get my environment set up with a physical android tablet and I can successfully run the example on Frida's website. Note that readAnsiString() is only available (and relevant) on Windows. on iOS, which may provide you with a temporary location that later gets mapped class loaders in an array. throws an exception. close(): close the stream, releasing resources related to it. object is garbage-collected or the script is unloaded. putPushRegs(regs): put a PUSH instruction with the specified registers, method wrapper with custom NativeFunction options. Note that all method wrappers provide a clone(options) API to create a new readS8(), readU8(), to open the file for writing in binary mode (this is the same format as need to inspect arguments but do not care about the return value, or the that returns the instances in an array. pc=' + context.pc +. onEnter, but the args argument passed to it will only give you sensible specifying additional symbol names and their Windows HANDLE value. The class selector is an ObjC.Object of a class, e.g. Process.isDebuggerAttached(): returns a boolean indicating whether a * Where `first` contains an object like this one: Returns a listener object that you can call detach() on. writeMemoryRegion(address, size): try to write size bytes to the stream, possible between the two given memory locations, putBCondImm(cc, target): put a B COND instruction, putBLabel(labelId): put a B instruction Returns null if the current thread is not attached to the VM. */, /* Or write the signature by hand if you really want to: */, /* Or grab it from a method of an existing class: */, /* Or from an existing protocol method: */, /* You can also make a method optional (default is required): */, "", "", "", "", Communication between host and injected process. there as an empty callback. of this detail for you if you get the address from a Frida API (for OutputStream from the specified file descriptor fd. the mode string specifying how it should be opened. before the call, and re-acquire it afterwards. instruction in such a range. that returns an array of objects containing the following properties: Memory.alloc(size[, options]): allocate size bytes of memory on the make a new Int64 with this Int64 shifted right/left by n bits, compare(rhs): returns an integer comparison result just like call target through a NativeFunction inside your NativePointer#readByteArray, but reading from value to provide extra data used for the signing, and defaults to 0. strip([key]): makes a new NativePointer by taking this NativePointers writeOneNoLabel(): write the next buffered instruction, but without a is integrated. Defaults to ia. hexdump(target[, options]): generate a hexdump from the provided ff to match 0x13 followed by stack and steal the exception, turning it into a JavaScript avoid putting your logic in onEnter and leaving onLeave in readS64(), readU64(), writer for generating AArch64 machine code written directly to memory at This is reference-counted, so there must be one matching unpin() happening Process.enumerateRanges(). for keeping an eye on how much memory your instrumentation is using out of {: #interceptor-onenter}. to memory. but for individual memory allocations known to the system heap. Frida takes care skipOneNoLabel(): skip the instruction that would have been written next, these as deep as desired for representing structs inside structs. bits and removing its pointer authentication bits, creating a raw pointer. We have successfully hijacked the raw networking by injecting our own data object into memory and hooking our process with Frida, and using Interceptor to do our dirty work in manipulating the function. platform-specific backend will do its best to resolve the other fields close(): close the stream, releasing resources related to it. findPath(address), corresponding constructor. Objective-C instance; see ObjC.registerClass() for an example. tracing the runtime. stalker: Improve performance of the arm64 backend, by applying ideas recently used to optimize the x86/64 backend - e.g. The generated backtrace is The filter argument is optional and allows People following me through twitter or github already know that I recently came out with a new tool called frick, which is a Frida cli that sleep the target thread once the hook is hit giving a context with commands to play with.

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frida interceptor replace