western civilization 2 quizlet

In his book Conversations on the Plurality of Worlds (1686), Fontenelle also speculated on the possibility of life on other planets. Alexander the Great followed his father Philip II as the king of what nation? Please sign in to share these flashcards. The battle between Alexander the great of Macedonia and Darius the 3rd of Persia. Occurred in 597-538 B.C. What is the point of declarative sentences in inaugural addresses? Conversations on the Plurality of Worlds (1686). Five characteristics of Western thought were brilliantly outlined by Dr. Yussuf Al Qaradawi as follows: (Youssef Al-Qaradawi Islam the Civilization of the Future p. 15 Wahba Library Cairo 1995.) Remembered for efforts to legislate against political, economic and moral decline in archaid Athens. Thus, the Enlightenment was born. An agreement on a part of society to be governed by its general will, It was all about community and what was best for it as opposed to the individual. Westernized Russia after an extensive trip through Europe; he took the following measures: The political alliance of Gaius Julius Caesar, Marcus Licinius Crassus, and Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus. Write the letter for the word that best completes each sentence. Timeline: 5 points (based on Key Terms list) Short answer questions (multiple choice and fill in the blank from Key Terms list): 25 points Long answer questions (from options below): 2 x 10 pts = 20 points. Highest civil and milotary magistrates, serving as the heads of government for the Republic. A disiciple of Socrates & the teacher of Aristotle, he found the Academy in Athens. Height of empire extended from Egypt to India, conquered by Alexander The Great. rachaelizabethgr. Men were the primary breadwinners. Answer: Are pumpkins native to Central America? Draconian is today used as a term for very harsh laws. Are an ancient people defined as descendants of the prophet Eber, son of Shalah. A member of the lowest class in ancient Loconia, were bound to the land and owned by the state. A type of writing where wedge shaped symbols are pressed into clay tablets to indicate words, originated in ancient Sumer. A group within the Cavalier Parliament (1660-1679), that was made up of middle class men and Puritans who supported religious freedom and the power of Parliament over the monarchy, became known as the Whigs; this group emerged in opposition to King Charles II's (r. 1660-1685) Catholic brother, James II, taking the throne in England. Study Guide - Test # 1. A war between Athens and Sparta, 431 - 404 B.C., that resulted in the transfer of leadership in Greece from Athens to Sparta. Naval battle fought in 31 BC in the Ionian Sea between Italy and the Balkan Peninsula. His survivng works cover a vast range of subjects, including logic, ethics, metaphysics, politics, natural science & physics, was King of Macedon, a state in northern ancient Greece. ("Crush the infamous thing"), which referred to abolishing bigotry, rigid religious traditions, and oppressive governments, sparked the Age of Revolution in western societies. The new anatomy of the 16th century, wrote Fabric of the Human Body, this book was based on his Paduan lectures, in which he deviated from traditional practice by dissecting a body to illustrate what he was talking about, he overthrew some of Galens biggest error, his influence on the medieval medical world ws pervasive in anatomy, physioogy and disease. Originally refers to a group of elite citizens in ancient Rome, including both their natural and adopted members. Ch. In the Gulf Of Aegira. They proved their grit and determination in the Seven Years' War and in the War of Austrian Succession. The first Iron Age Empire was built in which region? Wrote a book On the Motion of hte Heart and Blood published in 1628, his observations and experiments led him to reject the ancient greeks contentions, he demonstrated that the heart was the beginning point of the circulation of blood in the bodyand that the same blood flows in both veins and arteries, his theory of circulation laid the foundation of moder physiology. Which political theorist inspired the Declaration of Independence? Important Beliefs behind Mercantilism (Pt. How much do you know about absolutism. Despotism: Apt for large empires, dependents upon fear and obedience. is the belief that God exists but is not active in the world. Prussia. (C) new If the confrontation leads to war, Japan will surely win. and more. A studentof Plato & tutor to Alexander the Great, he found school (the byceum) outside Athens. The leading archon in the city of Athens in ca. A plain in southeast Greece, in Attica: the Athenians defeated the Persians here 490 B.C. established high standars of behavior and stern, punishments for violators; civil laws regulated mostly, everything such as wages dealings and relationships, Patron god of Babylon, hero of the Babylonian creation, epic, Enuma Elish, in which he defeats the monster Tiamat. Western Civilization Test 2. Be sure to include at least two supporting details to bolster each main heading in your outline. What famous general led the Carthagenians and almost defeated Rome in the 2nd Punic War? Growing power of the state. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. Built by Pericles in ca. A diverse group of tribal societies in Iron-Age Europe. Western Civ Test 1: Age of Absolutism in Central and Eastern Europe. Find a Test Center and Schedule Your Test, Western Civilization II: 1648 to the Present, Understanding important factual knowledge of developments in Western civilization, Ability to identify the causes and effects of major historical events, Ability to analyze, interpret, and evaluate textual and graphic materials, Ability to distinguish the relevant from the irrelevant, Ability to reach conclusions on the basis of facts, Major figures of the scientific revolution, Economic and social impact on working and middle class, The economic and social impact of the war, The causes and course of the Second World War, Science, philosophy, the arts, and religion. The period of the exile of the Jews (Hebrews) in Babylonia. Most religious systems have some form of moral dualism, a conflict between good and bad. Western Civilization - Chapter 2. 1- The flawed knowledge of the divinity : Western perception underlying Western civilization does not have a neat clear-cut vision. Which Jewish group was violently opposed to Roman rule? denotes a state of two parts. emancipation of russian serfs took place in what decade? Thomas Paine argued for Freedom from England. Classical Greek culture has, and always will be, a topic of western civilization that is studied and taught amongst people of todays society, and those to c Oh Mighty Greeks! The belief that there are a set amount of resources in the world, and that a government should attempt to store up as much gold in their national treasury as possible. Cross out incorrect commas using the delete symbol. 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Western Civ Paper 1 - First of three mandatory reaction essays. - 78 B.C., was a gifted and effective general. Patriarch named Abraham. known cities arose. Important Beliefs behind Mercantilism (Pt. Identify the incorrect verb form in each of the following sentences, and then provide the correct verb form. Volume 3 covers topics including the . A Roman general and politician, during 138 B.C. proved that the planets followed elliptical orbits. A systematic philosophy, dating from around 300 B.C., that held the principles of logical thought to reflect a cosmic reason in instantiated in nature. Questions deal with the civilizations of Ancient Greece, Rome, and the Near East; the Middle Ages; the Renaissance and Reformation; and early modern Europe. Various quizlets, I won't recommend any single one since none of them I found were that great for this exam. Grade: 100%, Ideologies that influenced the 19th century. by the end of Fredrick I reign the army grew from 45,000 to 85,000 Prussia was now the 4th largest European County behind Russia, France and Austria, Prussian Militarism became synonymous with military virtures, peasants had two option be a farmer or join the military. Persian Empire, ancient empire located in west and southwest Asia. 3. he believed that he king was the first servant of the states, he often followed the recommended philosophes regarding reform, however, he restricted the rights of the middle class and upper class, he relied heavily on the nobility, he didnt want to challenge them, re reserved higher position to the nobility only, her enlarged the army to 200,000, He was involved in two wars , the war for Austrian succession and the Seven Year War after these two wars he also gained Polish territories, Austria was very diverse, contained many languages, religions and cultures, providing common laws and centralized gov't would became a difficult taks, she lost land to Prussia under Frederick the Great, she resolved to reform Austria before the next attack, in order to unite her empire she reorganized her govt and territories were then divided into 10 provinces. Walked until his soldiers said they wanted to go home. Grade: 100%. Decide what your thesis will be and then outline an argument to support your thesis. Voltaire, a Deist, was also skeptical and critical of the institution of the Church and of God himself. Bach is known for his use of counterpoint, musical lines that are different and have different rhythms but sound harmonious when played or sung together. Draw one line under each predicate nominative. Passed Western Civilization II with a 77. the new conservatism british prime minister during the 1908s? A Jewish rebel army who liberated Judea from the rule of the Seleucid empire. Attempts were made to reduce the legal number of hours a child could work. represented about 96 percent of the French population. Circle each object complement. Athenian statesman, reformed the constitution of Athens and set it to a democratic footing. Prime example of ancient Greek architecture. Scientist kicked off new ways of thinking, intellectuals followed their leads, women stepped "into the light", Paris: they brought together both men and women to discuss new ideas. What was the name of the treaty that ended the American Revolutionary War in 1783? The entrepreneurial class that developed in Britain believed in hard work, progress, and technology, values that grew from the Protestant work ethic A. Russia wants to provoke war, while Japan wants to avoid it. north atlantic treat organization included how many countries when it was founded? The discoveries of Sir Isaac Newton led to what? The Babylonian she-dragon of chaos, killed by Marduk in, the Enuma Elish, half of her body become the sky, the, a political unit governed by a deity (or by officials thought, Southern region of Mesopotamia where the earliest. 1. ,1750s 300 titles available, 1760s 1600 titles available, aimed at no only the upper classes but the middle class as well including women. Recognizing Adverbs That Modify Verbs. Britain possessed extensive resources, such as coal, iron, and water power . Beautiful temple dedicated to worship of the goddess Athena. The percentages next to the main topics indicate the approximate percentages of exam questions on those topics. "Ecrasez l'infame!" Investigates principals of reality transcending those of any particular science. It was a global conflict that took place over the European nations' competition to obtain colonies and domination. 1. Cross), Principles of Environmental Science (William P. Cunningham; Mary Ann Cunningham), Civilization and its Discontents (Sigmund Freud), Chemistry: The Central Science (Theodore E. Brown; H. Eugene H LeMay; Bruce E. Bursten; Catherine Murphy; Patrick Woodward), Brunner and Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing (Janice L. Hinkle; Kerry H. Cheever), Forecasting, Time Series, and Regression (Richard T. O'Connell; Anne B. Koehler), Biological Science (Freeman Scott; Quillin Kim; Allison Lizabeth), Campbell Biology (Jane B. Reece; Lisa A. Urry; Michael L. Cain; Steven A. Wasserman; Peter V. Minorsky), Psychology (David G. Myers; C. Nathan DeWall), Chapter 28 Cold War%2F New Western World (1945-1973), Short Essay Questions FOR Chapter 16 AND 18(1) copy, Western Civ Paper 1 - First of three mandatory reaction essays. ("Crush the infamous thing"). We weren't able to detect the audio language on your flashcards. Western Civilization: A Concise History is an Open Educational Resource textbook covering the history of Western Civilization from approximately 8,000 BCE to 2017 CE. The event that most changed the nature of the Holy Roman Empire was the, Frederick William I was ruler of King of Prussia, Russia began to Westernize during the reign of. 2. 2. "The unexamined life is not worth living". riding to the divine right theory, rulers received their power from. 1. 1714-1837. The protagonist Gilgamesh is described in the beginning of the poem as two parts god and one part man. Sir Isaac Newton. Anceint greek of Macedon who dominated the known world and created one of the largest empires in ancient history. The Emp. was the most influential political writer during the Enlightenment. Russia and Prussia take more Polish territories. Ancient kingdom in the Balkan Peninsula, in South Europe: now a region in North Greece, Southwest Bukgaria, and the Rupublic Of Maccedonia. Western Civ Paper 1 - First of three mandatory reaction essays. First Crusade Student dbq.docx. A naval league made in 478 by the Athenians and the islands in the Aegean Sea. He invented the "angry love poem.". Western Civilization Chapter 3. Select a topic for a speech. 1). and ended with the death of Cleopatra 7. Ancient Greece is one of the cornerstones of western civilization and many of the beliefs that shape humanity arise from this magnificent time period. Father of Modern Economics, and his 3 Laws Studying HIS 102 Western Civilization II at Suffolk County Community College? 3/5/22, 1:27 PM Western Civilization Exam 1 Flashcards | Quizlet 2/11 Akkad A city state in northern Mesopotaimia, the ruler of which conquered all the city-states of Mesopotamia and formed the world's first empire. Led to the belief system known as Deism. The most significant characteristic of the Assyrians was their, The Assyrian King responsible for the conquest of Jerusalem and Judah was, One of the most significant developments of the Phoenicians was, One of the main reasons why the Hebrew religion was so constant was because, One of the unique products that the Phoenicians traded was, While the original Covenant of monotheism was made between God and Abraham the renewed finalized Covenant was symbolized by, The main reason that so much is unknown of Iron Age Assyria is that, Assyrian rulers maintain records of their accomplishments, The city of Nineveh under the reign of Assurbanipal was noted for, housing extensive libraries of cuneiform tablets. challenging the church, the split of christianity, protestant reformation, counter reformation. The Treaty of Paris resulted in the end of the French and Indian War, and led to France being forced to give up many of its Northern American colonies. Ancient Egypt, 1580-1085 B.C., predominance of Thebes. He also trained Philip II the father of Alexander the Great. (Make into a question.). Spain, Portugal, France, Italy, Hapsburg Empire, Poland, Southern Germany, Scotland, parts of Switzerland, and parts of Germany, the Jesuit had become quite successful, and carried with that great influence and power within the church, which made enemies. On what island did the Athenians loose their entire fleet and 50,000 men during the Peloponnesian War? until his assasination in 336B.C. Battle between Mark Antony and Cleopatra against Octavian who will eventually be called Caesar Augustus. a new type of monarchy in the late 18th century, the extent to which rulers followed the advice of the philosophes and reled by enlightened principles, in the 18th century, France experienced an economic revival as the enlightenment gained strength the french were not overly influenced by the philosophes and resisted reforms even as the french aristocracy grew stronger, 1757 replaces Robert Walpole , he advances the Britain imperial ambitions, during his tenure Britain acquired Canada and India, he was replaced when George III reigned. . The Seven Years' War took place from 1756-1763. In the space provided, Indicate which question the adverb answers: where? This was the long period of relative peace and minimal expansion by military force experienced by the Roman Empire in the 1st and 2nd centuries AD. The lower class people of ancient Greece were called? His philosophical writings are presented in the form of dialogues, & his political theories appeared in the Republic, Greek philosopher & scientist. decribes the era which followed the conquests of Alexander The Great. argued that societies were organisms that evolved through time from a struggle with their environment, progress came from the struggle for srvival as the "fit" the strong survive and the weak decline. What seems to have caused the end of the Minoan Civilization? As represented in the writings of his disciple Plato, he engage in dialogue w/ others in an attempt to reach understanding & ethical concepts by exposing & dispelling error (the Socratic methods). his ideas and experiments changed scientific development, he used the telescope to observer the heavens, he argued with scriptures regarding the universe. The Minoan Civilization was centered on what island? Ancient Greece is today known in history for its impeccable development and prosperity in civilization. Voltaire admired the English political system with its general religious freedoms and freedoms of press and criticized the hypocrisies and injustices of the French political system, which included an unfair balance of power and taxes between the social classes. Test Structure. ruled France in the second half of the 1600s? Beginning of the end of the Seleucid Empire. Sir Francis Bacon's Method of Inductive Reasoning. 8th century B.C., Greek poet: Wrote the poem "Works And Days" and "The Ogony". They owed labor obligations as well as fees, generals in ancient Athens who eventually took a great deal of political power, one of three architectural systems developed by the Greeks to decorate their buildings. A roman general and politician, who commanded victories at Colline gate. They resulted in Roman control or influence over entire meditarian basin. Eighteenth Dynasty Analytical.docx. The exam contains 120 questions to be answered in 90 minutes. A late Neolithic to Copper Age culture of northern Europe, their pottery bearing the imprint of cord. an agrarian society, dominated by Kings and Land owning aristograts, Noble and Clergy had privleges, Most European states were ruled by monarchs, Europe becomes increasing secularized, to indicate movement away from religious affairs and toward worldly order, larger government and more military, Britain, France, Prussia, Austria, Russia. Interest in the origins if nature, claiming that nature is ruled by laws just like human society. Key Terms During the Western Civilization many group Use LEFT and RIGHT arrow keys to navigate between flashcards; Use UP and DOWN arrow keys to flip the card; audio not yet available for this language. Ancient, heavily-armed, Greek, Infantry soldiers were called? seperation of power, executive, legislative judicial Branch, each limited the power of the other, provide the greatest freedom and control of the state. Choose the word or phrase that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the words in capital letters. What Persian king did Alexander the Great defeat? The united states dropped atomic bombs on ? Paragraph 15 is a rhetorical question. Famous for strict discipline and training of soldiers. Was a military leader of the late roman republic. It is one of the oldest deciphered writings of significant length in the world, Greek historian. Helps France consolidate power, known as distinct nation. Captured by the Muslim Turks in 1435 AD and converted into a Muslim mosque. Guide to understanding how CLEP scores are calculated and credit-granting recommendations for all exams. In their time the Grazers were known as either Bosci in Latin or Boskoi in Greek, both words sharing the meaning "grass-eaters" (Ascetic Christians who eat grass.). Antony and Cleopatra commit suicide. Major successes that occurred under Louis the XIV, the 'Sun King', 1. Who was the most prominent leader of the Reign of Terror? What two countries fought in the War of Jenkins' Ear, What commodity dominated the trans-Atlantic trade in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, The part of the slave trade that included the voyage across the Atlantic was known as what, In the period from 1500 to 1900, most African slaves were shipped to. Born in Pelia in 356 BC, Alexander was tutored by Aristotle until the age of 16. I thought I saw a friend in the audience. An Athenian who convinced Athens to build new warships called "triremes".

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western civilization 2 quizlet